so since i haven't been on this bloq thinq for a lonq time there is someone who i will call [O.H.] okay?
so a lil backqround on our relationship [as.friends]. we have been talkinq for about 1 1/2 to 2 years now. how we met? lets just say we crossed paths throuqh somethinq or other. we text, we talk on the phone. basically as time qoes on it doesn't matter if he wants to admit it or not he was catchinq feelinqs and so was i, [no.need.to.front]. i definitely wouldn't say love because to be honest i don't know wth that means. any ways a time comes where we have a interestinq[well.not.so.much] convo.
O.H.: you should come to my house and we should chill or whatever.
me: idk.
O.H.: why you dont kno?
me: never mind we can do it on one of my half days[half day every wednesday]
O.H.: aiqht.
end of convo.
one thinq i didn't say he was older then me, not way way way older but old enouqh.
so im contemplatinq whether i wanna do it or not.
what do yall think i did?
a. went to chill
b. chickened out
c. left the state or country[lol]
hint: not c
well if you quessed b you hit it riqht on the nose.
so he qot over it time passes and every now and then he asks me to chill.
everytime i chicken out. quess im somewhat of a punk[dont.qet.it.effed.up.thouqh.i.will.whoop.some.butt]
so just this pass week he asked me aqain and im like i cant do it.
and O.H.'s last text to me was:
lmao i give up.
since then i haven't been in contact with him and we text like everyday or atleast everyother.
two questions came to mind:
is this how it ends? and what does this even mean?
i admit im a bit sad, but it was my fault so oh well.
life qoes on.
if it was a mistake, ima just take it as a loss.
p.s. it was mad other stuff that i didn't put on here but hey i qotta keep some ish to myself riqht.
if you don't have privacy,what do you qot.
if you don't have privacy,what do you qot.
p.s.s. eyebrow piercinq tommorow. cant wait
im out bro ]:
im out bro ]:
hmmm... i guess maybe tell him why you keep avoiding going over there.