well it didn't happen. i was type mad because it wasn't like i didn't want to go and chill with him it was because i had mad work to do for that fuckin' stupid ass school. excuse the language.
which btw is where i'm typing this. so you know idgaf at all.
but yeah he texted me and here is the convo:
O.H.: hmm
me: hmm what?[when i knew damn well what he was talking about]
O.H.: mrs. no show
me: umm i didn't know how to get there.
O.H.: ugh thats why you text
me: yea you right about that.
we had other words but that's all you need to know to understand the jist of the situation.
so i'm going to have to hit him up today and get this settled or whatever. because frankly i'm just sick of not taking risks and whatnot. but i'm going to save that for later today because i have to finish this busy work.
and wtf did i use Christmas colors for the joint. i must be ready. lol.
updated Christmas list coming soon. old one → here ←
random ass picture ⇈⇈
ahh im loving your blog! im gonna add it to my faves. u post some realistic ish.